About Us

For the finest
Bee Healthy Honey Shop is a "Honey" of a Choice!

Bee Healthy Honey Shop is a family owned business which started in Yemen over four generations ago. We have over 100 years of experience in learning all there is to know about bees and natural honey preparation process. We take personal care and pride in preparing natural pure quality honey. We strive to find new ways of preparing honey that are conducive to the natural environment.

Our beekeeper Khaled Almaghafi has been tending bees since he was 5 years old. His father was a beekeeper, So is his  younger brother in Yemen. Bees are in his blood. He came to the United States of America in 1986 and moved straight to California because everyone in Yemen knows that California is good environment for agriculture and bees. He had hopes of attending UC Davis to study bees but could not afford it. Instead, he ended up at a gas station as a clerk. He hated it. Every day rude customers would sting his pride, and with a wife and two small children, he was not earning enough, money to make a living.  

We also have over 20 years of beekeeping experience with pure local raw honey and we are committed to preserving bees, so that they provide their natural gift.

One day in 1992, our beekeeper Khaled Almaghafi opened the Yellow Pages and looked under the heading Bee Removal. He found a beekeeper near his home in Oakland who let him join on his jobs. When the beekeeper died a few years ago, he inherited his business and his wooden vacuum box. Billions of bees later, he still finds them fascinating. 

Khaled says “We learn a lot from bees. We learn how to be social. We learn how to give, not only take. They give us honey. They pollinate and give us fruit and vegetables. They give us medicine. And they don’t ask for anything in return.”

Bee Healthy Honey Shop

Bee Healthy Honey Shop offers
different quantities of:

Pure Raw Local Honey
Hawaiian Honey
Brazilian Honey
Yemeni Honey

achievements & Rewards


To be the most preferred local supplier of the highest honey quality and bee products, supporting nature and environment by growing healthy bee live.


At Bee healthy honey shop, we have a passion for providing natural, healthy honey and other hive products, direct from our own Hives.

We recognize all our clients, from home consumers, restaurants, chefs, food distributors, customers providing distinctive gifts and those seeking a healthy or natural product as important partners in our success. We will meet our customers’ unique expectations and create superior value for all of them.

We remain committed to using the finest ingredients and PURE honey. We will not provide our customers honey that we ourselves would not eat. We will be resourceful by nature, unlock its potential, while minimizing our carbon footprint and enhancing ecology surrounding our beehives.

Provide a pleasant, nurturing and growth-oriented environment, which encourages our employees to be highly productive and grow personally and professionally.